Saturday, April 23, 2011

Welcome, welcome!

I just want to say "Hello" to all my family and friends who should be popping in here soon. Thank you so much for supporting me :) I hope you will also check out JD and Tia's blogs as well. There are lots of ideas between our 3 blogs of ways you can help with this trip and with building the school at the Village of Life. Get your kids involved, tell your friends, forward emails, facebook... we gotta get the word out and I know you guys are as tenacious as I am, So lets do this!

I am also going to copy the explanation for donations here so you don't have to search for it. I know, I am super nice:

My good friend L encouraged me to add another donation button to the right so I have decided to update you on the donation buttons and how we are collecting money for this trip.

If you donate to either the monthly contribution button or chip in button, your donation will go toward The Village of Life School.

If, however, you donate to to the button that says Travel Expenses... that money goes directly into a savings account and is put toward the trip expenses I will incur. (Added: I will put anything above and beyond my expenses directly in the School of Life account)

I hope this makes sense to everyone. We all have 2 fundraising goals. A collective one to raise enough money for the school and a personal goal for travel expenses. L suggested that people may want to split up their donations so that is why I included another donation button. 

Thank you all again for your constant support and love. I am so excited to see where God is taking me and teaching me. Keep us in your prayers as lots of logistics and details are being worked out. Pray specifically for my health as I am recovering from surgery, if you will.

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