Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I am here!

Hey Friends!,
Just wanted to let you know that I am here and will be hitting you with deep thoughts again soon. The last couple of weeks have been full for my family.

We took a brief vacation to Chicago with our little guys. Lots of family fun was had by all and I am pretty sure we completed everything my oldest son wanted to do. Including a boat ride.

Then my 5 year old started kindergarten! I know... that is crazy but it happened. I miss him but he is loving every moment of life right now. He adores his teachers and I adore them too. They are very dedicated to making sure that their students are taught to their own abilities and strengths.
Showing off his muscles on the first day of school. 
I have also been dealing with some health stuff but I seem to finally be recovering from that a bit. But that means more doctors appointments and less time to blog. But the good news is that I have some awesome doctors and they are taking good care of me!

Also, I received like... 4 more boxes of stuff for the school in Ghana. Not that I know quite yet how to reasonably ship it over there but its exciting stuff none the less. If you have any ideas on the shipping let me know. I am following pretty much every path I know and running into a lot of brick walls. Or if you know a company who would want to sponsor... let me know on that too. Other than that... we are getting the last details ready for the trip and gathering all the things we need. I go in a couple of weeks for my Yellow Fever vaccine and we will be sending off for our visas before we know it!

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