Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Like Disney World up in here!

You remember that commercial a few years ago with the adorably pudgey faced preschooler and his sister the night before going to Disney? It is one of my favorites. The boy in the commercial makes me smile.
This is me. But it isn't excitement about Disney. I can't sleep because I am so excited to go to Ghana! I am kind of hoping I don't... NOT sleep for 4 weeks! The anticipation is building. The last push for donations is coming upon us. Collecting supplies to pack, getting visas, presents for small, beautiful children, figuring out how to get massive amounts of school supplies, books and curricula over with us. Logistics and footwork to be done yet but we are SO close and I am too excited to sleep. Already. I can not even imagine how stoked I am going to be come the first of November.

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