Tuesday, November 22, 2011

High and Low

Coming home from Ghana has been full of High and Low, High and Low.

High: I am with my family and so glad to be with them and hug them and kiss them and show them the gifts I brought home for them. Oh my goodness all of the shirts I picked out fit all of them :)

Low: Much of my extended family is back in Ghana... Prince, George Sr, George Jr., The Americans and Canadians, Siham and Gary, Kelly and Garrett, our rescued children... a huge part of my heart is still there.

High: Getting water out of the tap and drinking it right up.

Low: Feeling sad that so many people in Ghana don't even have running water let alone drinkable running water.

High: Doing something I am so passionate about

Low: Leaving the legwork behind in many ways

High: spending 2 weeks with friendly, amazing people

Low: Not knowing when I will return to them.

And so it goes. I missed my home and my family but now I miss my other home and my Ghanaian family. I missed air conditioning and cooler weather and I came home yesterday and couldn't get warm and missed the sunshine. I missed seeing my son off to school and picking him up and now I miss seeing my little Ghanaians in school. I missed huge hugs and greetings from my three favorite men and now I miss intimate handshakes and hugs from my family in Ghana.

I have a feeling that this is just how it goes when you fall so in love with a place and it's people. I am so thankful for this experience and look forward to sharing many stories and thoughts with you all about it. I also look forward to continuing advocating for the trafficked children in Ghana and worldwide. No one can do everything but I can do my part and my part can become a small slice of change.

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