Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Welcome friends from The Hook Up!


Ah, its finally time for the giveaways! I just want to say welcome to you all making your way over here from The Hook Up's giveaway extravaganza.

Up for grabs is the very awesome book called "Jantsen's Gift" by Pam Cope. I just got done reading it and it is an absolutely fabulous book/story of how people can make a tangible difference in this world and how giving to others can help us overcome a lot in life.

Why is this book important to me? Well because it explains quite a bit about how The Village of Life in Ghana came about and the plight of children being trafficked on Lake Volta in Ghana. I will be heading to Kete Krachi in November to work at this orphanage and with the children on Lake Volta. I will be telling their stories, learning from them and loving on them. To get there, we need a lot of help. So you get one entry into the contest simply by following my blog. You may have an additional entry for donating any amount to either the school fund or my travel expense fund.

Here is more information about this trip... Please help out this great cause if you can. God has no desire for children to be stripped of their childhoods and forced to work in slavery... and you can help us help at least some of these kids and continue to spread the word to everyone we know about the plight of these children. Knowledge is power people. The more who know, the more children that can be rescued.

Thank you so much for participating in this giveaway! Be sure to go back to Heather's blog and let her know how many entries you have. You HAVE to be a fan of Heather's page to participate in this giveaway... she is the one running it and the tally will be taken on her page.  The winner of this book will absolutely be blessed by Jantsen's story

Also take a look around this site and check out some of the exciting things we are going to be have going on. An auction is coming up in June and you can get front row seats by going HERE and liking our page!

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